Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Compared to What?

From an early age, we have constantly compared things all day every day.  And let’s face it, as women the thing we compare the most is ourselves to each other.  But why?

We compare because we have an inherent need to know that we are worth something.  We need to know that we are valuable to someone.  In the world’s economy, something’s worth can only be determined by comparison to something else.  So we compare and compare until we are simultaneously proud and disgusted with ourselves.  It’s exhausting and drains our lives of the meaning and purpose we were meant to walk in.

In God’s economy, however, each member of the human race is equally and immeasurably valuable, so valuable in fact, that Christ himself left heaven to come save us from ourselves.  In His view, your successful mentor at work and a starving child in Rwanda have EXACTLY the same value because they are made in His Image.  As much as we would NEVER admit it out loud, the fact that everyone around you is equally valuable may rub your pride the wrong way, we all want to be special.  But the truth of the matter is that YOU ARE, we are are all unique with God-given differences and personalities that allow us the to be special, but of equal, unfathomable value to the Lord. (Psalm 139: 13-16)  Aligning ourselves to this view of humanity frees us from thinking everyone is our competition. 

The blessings and successes of others do not diminish our value or our God-given purpose on this earth, our value is found in Christ alone.

But before we are tempted to think that we are all just super awesome in every way, it’s important to remember that our value has nothing to do with anything we’ve ever done.  Even on our best day, we come nowhere close to holy and are all at the mercy of God’s kindness (Rom. 3:23).  God showed this kindness by Christ’s death on the cross and the transferring of his righteousness to our accounts.

So let’s quit comparing.  Let’s pray this week for God to give us eyes to see ourselves and others as He sees us.

Challenge this week:
Believe that God has enough blessings and resources for you irrespective of the performance, behaviors and worthiness of others.

-Renee Moreland

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Blessing of Obedience

In John 10:10 Jesus tells us that He has come so that we can experience a full life. Some translations say an “abundant” life. The Greek word used here actually means “super-abundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); exceedingly; beyond measure.”

If you talk to most Christians today, though, sadly you’ll find that very few of them would describe their lives as truly abundant. Blessed? Sure. More fulfilled than someone who doesn’t know Jesus? I certainly hope so. But super-abundant? Overflowing? Extravagant? …Not as often as we’d like.
But why is that? What causes the disconnect? And more importantly, what’s the key to experiencing a super-abundant life?

The answer is simple – obedience.

Now, please notice, I said “simple,” not “easy.” Even as believers, the sinful nature wars with the Spirit inside of us (Romans 7&8), so we don’t always choose God’s way. Our free will rears its ugly head and we choose to do things our own way. It happens so often that I’m afraid we begin to accept it as just part of what it means to be human. And maybe it is, but we’re also told that as believers in Christ we’re new creations (2 Cor. 5:17), so we know it doesn’t have to be that way.

But, how does this struggle with the sinful nature prevent us from experiencing the super-abundant life Jesus promised us?

Well, because God is a gentleman. Since He’s the one who gave us free will in the first place, it makes sense that He doesn’t choose to override it in order to make sure we respond to Him in obedience. He doesn’t force anyone to accept Christ’s payment for their sins and receive salvation, and He also doesn’t override free will and force believers to choose the path He wants for them either.

Not only is God a gentleman, He’s also a loving Father. Jesus sets an example for us in Mark 14 by calling God “Abba,” a Hebrew word that can be translated as “daddy.” Paul tells us in Romans 8:15 and again in Galatians 4:6 that we have the privilege of addressing God in this way as well. It’s beautiful and it’s intimate.

But we need to be careful not to make the mistake of thinking that because God is loving that He is also a permissive, lenient parent. Permissive parents are extremely attentive to their children, but they lack rules and discipline. That is not the case with our Abba Father at all. Is He gracious? Yes! Merciful? Yes! Lenient? Absolutely not!

It’s an important distinction to make because although God has allowed us the free will to choose to be disobedient, the blessings of the abundant life come through obedience. If we staunchly refuse to submit to His way of doing things, if we persist in trying to live life on our terms, we can’t get mad at God when aren’t experiencing the blessings of the super-abundant life Jesus talked about.

How many times have my conversations with God sounded something like this?
Father, I need Your help. My finances are a mess and I need You to provide me with more money.”
“I know your needs, my child, and I’ve promised to provide for them. What I want you to do right now is cut back on what you’re spending and also use some of the money I’m already providing you with to bless other people.”
“I really don’t think that’s going to work for me, God. I’m going to go ahead and keep spending my money exactly the way I have been and exactly the way I want to, but I really need You to send me more of it anyway, OK?”

“Father, I’m feeling really anxious and stressed out right now. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I need You to work everything out for me.”
“I’ve promised you that I will never leave you or forsake you. To help with the anxiety about the future, though, get in my word and you’ll be reminded of all the times I’ve come through for my people in miraculous ways in the past. Start memorizing scripture verses so you can use my word as the spiritual sword it’s meant to be and build up your shield of faith to stand against those fearful and anxious thoughts.”
“Sorry, God, I really don’t have time to get into your word. My schedule is really busy and my favorite show is on TV right now. But why don’t you just go ahead and take away the anxiety anyway?”

“Father, I really want You to bring me a husband. I’m tired of being single.”
“You need to trust that my plan for you is best, whether that includes a husband or not. While you’re single, you can begin to learn your true value by drawing close to me and letting me shape you into the woman I want you to be. That way, if and when I bring you a husband, I can use the two of you as a team to bring me glory and further my kingdom.”
“That sounds great and all, but honestly, I just want the husband. In fact, just so you know, that’s basically all I’m going to talk to You about until You bring him to me.”

Now, of course, I’d never actually voice my responses the way I have here, but we all know that actions speak louder than words! I hate to think how many times I’ve robbed myself of experiencing an abundant life full of peace, joy, and intimacy with God all because of my stubborn insistence on doing things my way. How many doors have remained nailed shut to me because I refused to step out in obedience and trust my Heavenly Father with the results?

And what about you? Odds are I’m not alone in this struggle. Take a quick heart check. Is there some area of your spiritual life where you’re stubbornly refusing to do things God’s way and yet you’re angry with Him for not working things out according to your plans? What would it look like if right this moment you decided to walk in obedience and surrender to His leading? What doors might God be waiting to open for you if you’ll just trust Him and be obedient?

Now, please don’t think I’m promoting obedience as a formula for getting God to do what you want Him to do. God is not a big genie in the sky just waiting to grant our wishes when we rub His bottle the right way. Obedience’s partner in this process is surrender, and specifically the surrendering of our will to His. The abundant life isn’t achieved when we convince God to get on board with our agenda for our lives, but instead when we surrender our agenda and submit to His plans for us.

The super-abundant life Jesus spoke of in John 10 is available to every believer. It’s not just reserved for a few special “super Christians.” God longs to shower extravagant blessings on His children, but surrender and obedience are essential to the process. The blessings may not take a form that we expect, but we can be certain blessings will come. Our Heavenly Father always honors obedience.

-Nita DeBorde


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Before You Speak

This past week I was preparing for our mid-week Bible study and the Lord placed on my heart a couple of hard concepts and a perplexing question:
  1. You will speak what is in your heart (Matthew 12:34)
  2. Your heart is deceitful and cannot be trusted (Jeremiah 17:9)
  3. Well then, how do I control my speech?!
There must be a way! Can we tame it, teach it to be better? James 3 says that no person can do this...well that is a bit discouraging, and yet we are called to, as believers in Christ, have speech that honors Him and encourages one another (Colossian 4:6Ephesians 4:29).


I know from personal experience that one thing all humans struggle with is gossip, speaking about other people when they are not present. It is often passing comments but even small words hold weighty thoughts and emotions. Do we ever question the impact of our words not just on the subject but also on the person we are speaking to? Have you ever wondered if your speech about others effects how the person you're speaking to sees you? How often are we found to be hypocrites by silly, thoughtless speech? During the study another convicting passage came up...

Careless Words

"I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned." (Jesus) 
~Matthew 12:36-37

Uhhh...YIKES! Can anyone say ouch?! EVERY CARLESS WORD...I don't know about you but I would be in a lot of trouble if it were not for Jesus' saving grace. However, that does not exempt me from being responsible for my speech on this side of my salvation story! We do not have a free pass as believers to say what we want, we are called to a higher standard, called to be a witness and example of Christ in this world.

You may have heard the old phrases "preach the Gospel and if you have to, say something" or "actions speak louder than words." Both have valid points, but don't miss the fact that in order for the Gospel to be heard it must first be spoken AND words can quickly damage any witness you have made with someone who doesn't know the grace and mercy of Christ. Your speech, your tongue, is powerful and can be amazingly destructive and, unfortunately, untamable on our own.

So again I ask, what can we do?!

The Tongue and The Heart

How do we solve this problem of "the tongue?" If our speech comes from the overflow of our heart and our heart is untrustworthy, can we get a new heart? Can it be replaced? Made new?

"And I will give them a new heart to know Me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart." ~Jeremiah 24:7
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." ~2 Corinthians 5:17

Praise God for His provision, He has made a way for us! Let us receive as those IN CHRIST the gift of a new heart, a new creation. He has also given us tools to fill ourselves with His thoughts, focus on higher and better things, to crowd out the "old self" so there is no room for it to control speech any more. He also will also help us in guarding our mouths if we ask Him (I suggest really praying over Psalm 141 if you struggle with speech as I do).
I'll end with a useful acronym that hopefully will applicable for you...

Before you speak:
I hope this encourages you to know that even though it seems so hopeless to try to restrain your tongue on your own, the Lord has the power to change you and sanctify you to be more like Himself each day! Keep going and don't be discouraged when you stumble, get back up and finish the race He has prepared for you.

-Katey Hight

Check out Sneakers & Phylacteries for more from Katey!